Monday, October 17, 2016

Ichigo and Rukia


Ichigo is a teenage high school boy that lives with his father and two sister. Ichigo’s mother was killed when he was young by a Hallow. Ever since than Ichigo has been able to see spirits. One night a Hallow came to Karakura where Ichigo lives. The Hallow was chasing the spirit of a little girl that had already pass away and had not crossed over. Ichigo was able to see this girl and tried to help her.  This is when Ichigo met Rukia, a Soul Reaper from the Soul Society sent banish the Hallow. Rukia was distracted by the fact that Ichigo was able to break her Kido spell that she ended up getting hurt by the Hallow.  Since Rukia was unable to fight and the Hallow was now after Ichigo, Rukia had to ask Ichigo for his help. Rukia had to give some of her Soul Reaper power to Ichigo so that he would be able to banish the Hallow. When doing so Ichigo’s soul ended up taken all of her Soul Reaper powers. Ichigo had become a Substitute Soul Reaper. Ichigo had to do the job of a Soul Reaper until Rukia had her powers back

Ichigo’s Zanpakuto

Being a Substitute Soul Reaper Ichigo attained a Zanpakuto. In the begin of the series, Ichigo’s Zanpakuto is a sword that has a wide blade and most would need two hands to wield. After Ichigo as a fight with one of the 13 Court Guard Captains, Ichigo was able to release the full power of his soul to unlock the Hilt less version of his Zanpakuto. As the series goes on his Zanpakuto has many different forms. As stated before every Zanpakuto has a soul name and Ichigo’s is Zangetsu. Zangetsu means Slaying Moon in English.  Zangetsu represents the dark side of Ichigo’s Soul



Rukia is a Soul Reaper from the Soul Society. She was adopted in to a royal family. Rukia’s brother is Byakuya Kuchiki. She was sent to Karakura to banish a Hallow when she meets Ichigo. When the Hallow that she was sent to banish attacked Ichio’s house Rukia put Ichigo under one of her Kido spells. When Ichigo showed that his spirit power was strong enough to break her spell, she had to protect him from the Hallow. In doing so she injured herself to where she could not fight. Rukia had to run her Zanpakuto through Ichigo to transfer some of her powers so that he could fight the Hallow. Rukia lost most of her powers when doing so that she had to hind in the land of the living. When word got back to the Soul Society about what Rukia had done Rukia was sentence to death. Byakuya was sent to bring his sister back for her punishment.


Rukia’s Zanpakuto

Rukia’s Zanpakuto is call Sode No Shirayuki. Sode No Shirayuki mean Sleeved White Snow in English. Rukia’s Zanpakuto has the ability to freeze foes that it come in contact with.

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